The Beacon teams up with Eastbourne Town to help promote women’s football

One of the top women’s teams in the south has won a sponsorship deal with The Beacon shopping centre in Eastbourne.

Eastbourne Town Women’s Team has new football shirts emblazoned with The Beacon logo. It is part of the shopping centre’s social value agenda to reach out into the community and offer support to groups and individuals.

The team, celebrating 21 years in the sport, is flying high in the table and is currently second in the South East Premier League. But it’s hard graft. The two squads train twice a week, all year round. Funds are tight and the players end up covering their own travel costs.

Mark Powell, General Manager of The Beacon said: “The women have a love of football and there is great camaraderie in the first team. We have seen them on the pitch and we see their commitment both in training and on match day.

“We were delighted to get involved with the team and are proud to be shirt sponsors,” Mark added. “We will be keeping a watchful eye on their progress throughout the season and wish them every bit of luck going forward.”

Eastbourne Town are based at The Saffrons, the oldest football ground in Eastbourne.

Stef Shambrook, who manages the development team, said she was delighted at the progress of women’s football in Eastbourne.

“We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but I believe we are now in a good place,” Stef explained. “We have nearly 50 players in our two teams and their ages range from 20 to 40. The support of The Beacon and other sponsors shows we are getting noticed. We really appreciate their support.”

The women’s first team won the South East division league in 2022/23, which has helped attract fresh interest and new players.

“Our higher profile has been good for recruitment, but it’s a continual challenge to find new players,” Stef said. “We welcome everybody and would encourage women to come forward and give it a try.

You can find out about Eastbourne Town at
